"Cause I've been trying way too long
To try and be the perfect song
When our hearts are heavy burdens
We shouldn’t have to bear alone

So goodnight moon and goodnight you
When you’re all that I think about
All that I dream about
How’d I ever breathe without
A goodnight kiss from goodnight you

The kind of hope they all talk about
The kind of feeling we sing about
Sit in our bedroom and read aloud
Like a passage from goodnight moon"

~ Go Radio~

Monday, May 16, 2011


This is one of my car shots, I chose it because i saw the reflection of a house in the car itself and i enjoyed looking at the different point of view.  I found that the picture looks better, not right side up.

This photo is of the rear end/ bumper of a Grand Am Pontiac 2006.  I took the photo and it ended up with a ripple affect on the sky because of the ridged bumper.

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